AWS Online Training

About the Course

  • Our AWS training syllabus is very in-depth and career-oriented. Through this course, you will learn AWS and Cloud computing technology from beginner to advanced levels.
  • Currently, both small-scale and large-scale industries are using AWS Cloud to host web applications and utility applications for their day-to-day activities.

Your Instructor:

  • I have rich experience in DevOps and Cloud technologies, with a strong track record of successfully completing projects using a wide range of popular tools in the market.
  • I have worked across various domains including Telecom, Retail, Banking, and Healthcare, gaining valuable expertise in each.
  • More than 500+ engineers have been trained by me, and they have successfully secured positions in reputable MNCs, earning respectable salaries.
  • Throughout my career, I have faced and overcome numerous challenges, resulting in significant transformations in project outcomes.
  • I hold certifications in AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Linux, and continue to pursue additional certifications in various other domains.

Instructor Details:

Name: Moole Muralidhara Reddy

Mobile: +91 7893121036

Mail: [email protected]


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Course Syllabus

Overview of Cloud Computing

  • What is Cloud Computing?
  • Benefits of Cloud Computing
  • Types of Cloud Computing
  • Types of Cloud Services

AWS Overview

  • What is AWS
  • Advantages of AWS
  • Disadvantages of AWS
  • AWS Global Infrastructure
  • Regions
  • Availability Zones
  • Creation of an AWS account

AWS IAM( Identity Access Management)

  • What is AWS IAM?
  • Features of AWS IAM
  • AWS IAM Users
  • AWS IAM User Groups
  • What are AWS IAM Policies?
  • Types of AWS IAM Policies
  • What is an IAM role?
  • Root Account vs IAM user
  • AWS IAM Password Policy
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for AWS IAM
  • IAM Best Practices

AWS EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud)

  • What is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)?
  • Features of Amazon EC2
  • Amazon EC2 Instance Types
  • Creation of a Linux EC2 instance
  • Downloading PuTTY and PuTTYgen
  • How to convert PEM to PPK file
  • Connecting to the Linux server
  • Creation of a Windows EC2 instance
  • Create an AMI from an Amazon EC2 Instance
  • What is an Elastic IP?
  • What is a Security Group?
  • Spot Requests, On-Demand Instances, Savings Plans, Reserved Instances, Dedicated Hosts, Scheduled Instances, Capacity Reservations
  • Opening a support ticket with AWS
  • Requesting Service Quotas in AWS
  • What is metadata and user data in EC2?

AWS EBS (Elastic Block Storage)

  • What is AWS EBS?
  • Features of AWS EBS
  • Types of EBS Volumes
  • Creation of an EBS Volume
  • How to attach an EBS volume to a Linux EC2 instance
  • How to increase the size of an existing EBS volume on a Linux EC2 instance
  • How to attach an EBS volume to a Windows EC2 instance
  • How to increase the size of an existing EBS volume on a Windows EC2 instance
  • How to change the EBS volume type
  • Creation of a volume from a snapshot
  • How to encrypt an existing attached EBS volume

AWS EBS Snapshot

  • What is a Snapshot in AWS?
  • Creation of a snapshot from an EC2 instance
  • Creation of a snapshot from an EBS volume
  • Creation of an AWS AMI from a snapshot
  • Creation of an EBS volume from a snapshot
  • Options in a Snapshot
  • Deletion of Snapshots, Volumes, and AMIs

AWS ASG ( Auto Scaling Group)

  • What is an Auto Scaling Group?
  • Benefits of an Auto Scaling Group
  • What is a Launch Configuration?
  • Benefits of a Launch Configuration
  • Drawbacks of a Launch Configuration
  • Creation of an AWS Launch Configuration
  • What is an AWS Launch Template?
  • Benefits of an AWS Launch Template
  • Creation of an AWS Launch Template
  • Difference between a Launch Template and a Launch Configuration
  • Creation of an ASG through an AWS Launch Configuration
  • Creation of an ASG through an AWS Launch Template
  • Enabling CloudWatch monitoring in an ASG
  • Deletion of an ASG

AWS ELB (Elastic Load Balancing)

  • What is AWS Elastic Load Balancing?
  • Benefits of AWS Elastic Load Balancing
  • What is an AWS Classic Load Balancer?
  • Features of a Classic Load Balancer
  • Creation of an AWS Classic Load Balancer
  • Deletion of a Classic Load Balancer
  • What is an AWS Target Group?
  • What is a Listener?
  • Creation of an AWS Target Group
  • What is an AWS Application Load Balancer?
  • Benefits of an AWS Application Load Balancer
  • Creation of an Application Load Balancer
  • Deletion of an ALB
  • What is an AWS Network Load Balancer?
  • Benefits of an AWS Network Load Balancer
  • Creation of an AWS Network Load Balancer
  • Deletion of an NLB
  • Difference between an ALB and an NLB
  • Attaching an ALB to a new Auto Scaling group
  • Attaching an ALB to an existing Auto Scaling group

AWS EFS(Elastic File System)

  • What is AWS EFS?
  • Use cases of AWS EFS
  • Types of AWS EFS Storage Classes
  • Creation of AWS EFS
  • Mounting AWS EFS in an EC2 instance
  • Deletion of AWS EFS

AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service)

  • What is AWS Simple Storage Service?
  • What are Buckets and Objects in S3?
  • What are the types of storage classes in AWS S3?
  • How to create an S3 bucket?
  • How to upload objects to S3 using the AWS Console?
  • How to upload objects to S3 using the AWS CLI?
  • What is S3 Versioning?
  • How to enable S3 Versioning?
  • What is Bucket policy in S3?
  • What is Access Control List (ACL) in S3?
  • How to work with S3 bucket lifecycle?
  • How to host a static website using Amazon S3?
  • What are Presigned URLs in AWS S3?
  • How to create a Presigned URL for S3?
  • How to work with server-side encryption for Amazon S3 buckets?
  • How to delete an S3 bucket?

AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

  • What is AWS VPC?
  • What are the features of AWS VPC?
  • What is CIDR?
  • How to choose the CIDR Block?
  • What are IPV4 and IPV6?
  • What are Subnets?
  • What are the types of Subnets?
  • How to determine subnet sizing for IPV4?
  • What is subnet routing?
  • What is a Route table?
  • What are the components of a Route table?
  • What is an internet gateway (IGW)?
  • What is an overview of Default VPC?
  • How to create a customized VPC?
  • What are NAT gateway and NAT instance?
  • What is the difference between NAT gateway and NAT instance?
  • How to create a NAT Instance?
  • How to create a NAT Gateway?
  • How to delete a NAT Gateway?
  • What is NACL?
  • How to create a NACL?
  • What is a Security Group?
  • How to create a Security Group?
  • What is the difference between NACL and Security Group?
  • What are VPC Flow logs?
  • How to create VPC flow logs?
  • What are the options available for VPC?
  • What is a DHCP option set?
  • What are DNS Hostnames and DNS Resolution?
  • What are VPC endpoints?
  • What are the types of VPC endpoints?
  • How to create a Gateway VPC Endpoint for S3?
  • How to manage Prefix lists?
  • What is an ENI?
  • How to create an ENI?
  • How to delete a VPC?

AWS VPC Peering

  • What is VPC Peering?
  • What are the key points of VPC Peering?
  • What are the types of VPC Peering?
  • How to create an intra-region VPC peering with the same account?
  • How to delete an intra-region VPC peering with the same account?
  • How to create an intra-region VPC peering with a different account?
  • How to delete an intra-region VPC peering with a different account?
  • How to create an inter-region VPC peering with the same account?
  • How to delete an inter-region VPC peering with the same account?
  • How to create an inter-region VPC peering with a different account?
  • How to delete an inter-region VPC peering with a different account?

AWS TGW(Transit Gateway)

  • What is AWS Transit Gateway?
  • What are the benefits of Transit Gateway?
  • What are the types of Transit Gateway?
  • What are the components of Transit Gateway?
  • What is the difference between VPC Peering and Transit Gateway?
  • How to create an inter-region Transit Gateway peering with the same account?
  • How to delete an inter-region Transit Gateway peering with the same account?
  • What is RAM (Resource Access Manager)?
  • How to create an inter-region Transit Gateway peering with a different account?
  • How to delete an inter-region Transit Gateway peering with a different account?
  • How to delete RAM (Resource Access Manager)?
  • How to create an intra-region Transit Gateway peering with the same account?
  • How to delete an intra-region Transit Gateway peering with the same account?
  • How to create an intra-region Transit Gateway peering with a different account?
  • How to delete an intra-region Transit Gateway peering with a different account?

AWS Cloud Watch

  • What is CloudWatch?
  • Key Features of CloudWatch
  • Creating a log group in AWS CloudWatch
  • Sending VPC Flow logs to a CloudWatch log group
  • Setting up a CloudWatch alarm for an EC2 Instance

AWS CloudTrail

  • What is AWS CloudTrail?
  • Log event types in CloudTrail
  • Setting up AWS CloudTrail to send logs to an S3 bucket
  • Deletion of CloudTrail

AWS ECR(Elastic Container Registry)

  • What is AWS ECR?
  • Types of Repositories
  • Components of Amazon ECR
  • Features of Amazon ECR
  • Creating an ECR repository in AWS
  • Pushing a docker image to AWS ECR
  • Setting up the Lifecycle Policy in ECR
  • Setting up Replication configuration in ECR

AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)

  • What is Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service?
  • How does Amazon EKS work?
  • Installation of AWS CLI in Windows
  • Installation of kubectl in Linux
  • Installation of kubectl in Windows
  • Creating an AWS IAM User
  • Creating an EKS Cluster through the AWS Console
  • Connecting to the EKS cluster
  • Deploying a sample application in Kubernetes
  • Upgrading the AWS EKS cluster
  • What is Cluster Autoscaler?
  • Deploying the Cluster Autoscaler in AWS EKS
  • Deletion of Cluster Autoscaler in EKS
  • Enabling secret encryption on an existing AWS EKS cluster through the AWS console

AWS KMS(Key Management Service)

  • What is AWS KMS?
  • Features and benefits of KMS
  • Different types of keys in KMS
  • Creating a KMS key
  • Encrypting an EBS volume using AWS KMS
  • Deletion of KMS

AWS RDS (Relational Database Service)

  • What is RDS?
  • Features of RDS
  • RDS Subnet Group
  • Parameter groups
  • Option groups
  • Amazon RDS storage types
  • Creating a MySQL database in AWS RDS
  • Connecting to the RDS MySQL from an AWS EC2 instance
  • Installation of MySQL Workbench
  • Connecting to the RDS MySQL from MySQL Workbench
  • Deletion of RDS MySQL version

AWS Route53

  • What is AWS Route53?
  • Benefits of Route53
  • What is a hosted zone in Route53?
  • Types of hosted zones
  • Creating a public hosted zone in AWS Route53
  • What are records in a hosted zone?
  • Types of records
  • What is Routing Policy?
  • Types of Routing policies
  • Creating a record in a hosted zone
  • What are Route53 Health Checks?
  • Creating a private hosted zone in AWS Route53
  • Configuring query logging for a Hosted Zone
  • Deletion of a Hosted Zone


  • What is AWS SES?
  • Creating AWS SES
  • Deletion of AWS SES
  • What is AWS SNS?
  • Creating AWS SNS
  • Deletion of AWS SNS

AWS ACM (AWS Certificate Manager)

  • What is AWS ACM?
  • Creating AWS ACM
  • Integrating AWS ACM with an Application Load Balancer
  • Deletion of AWS ACM


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